Visit with cousin Carol

Please refer back to the Santa Cruz post as we've added a few more photos and captions.

Downtown Morgan Hill

Coyote Valley RV Resort

They offered wine tasting on Friday afternoons.

Lyle and Carol playing bocce ball at Sarah's Vineyard.

Rico (Carol and Dave's dog) is a Portuguese Water Dog.

Paco (same breed) loves sitting on chairs, too.

Happy Hour at Dana and Dawn's house: Dawn, Carol, Dave, Jan, and Lyle.  

Rico loves to swim, and retrieve, even in the cold water at their pool.  Paco prefers to stay dry.  

Dawn, Jan, Lyle, and Dave in Dana and Dawn's trailer. 

The boys.

Street was closed to cars.

Good-bye dinner in Morgan Hill: Dana's twin brother, Scott, Jan, Dana, Lyle, Dawn, Dave, and Carol.
