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Route 66
January 29, 2018
We took a drive on the old Route 66 from Oatman to Kingman, AZ. Luckily we didn't have the RV with us because it was steep, very narrow, with lots of sharp curves and sheer drops. It was a squeeze just keeping the truck's duelly's from scraping the rock walls.
Oatman is like a mini Estes Park but with donkeys that love to be fed. They could be quite persistent and grabby, especially when you're the one holding the bag of food.
The babies were adorable. The photo with Marilyn was taken at a fun diner in Kingman, although there wasn't much else to see in that town.
We're definitely getting our desert fix here, with blue, blue skies and perfect temps in the upper 70's. Tomorrow we move up the river to Laughlin, NV, known for its numerous casinos, dining, live music, and some bike trails I want to try.
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